His hands are also beautiful
But no less than the rest of him
I have seen his hands only once before
Layed over a seat carelessly
The nails of mild length
The skin the color of aged sand stone
The fingers long and gorgeous
With a control unknown
They tap on rhythm and time
with the music
They explain his words
They run over surfaces like silk
I see his hands in my dreams
The hands that hold me tightly
Hands that can control me
O those hands
Who has such hands you ask
I could tell who but
That would give away my secret
His hands are also beautiful
But no less than the rest of him
I have seen his hands only once before
Layed over a seat carelessly
The nails of mild length
The skin the color of aged sand stone
The fingers long and gorgeous
With a control unknown
They tap on rhythm and time
with the music
They explain his words
They run over surfaces like silk
I see his hands in my dreams
The hands that hold me tightly
Hands that can control me
O those hands
Who has such hands you ask
I could tell who but
That would give away my secret
His hands are also beautiful